Airway Health: Clinical Signs for the Dental Hygienist
How are you addressing airway health with your patients? Are you considering the patient’s whole-body health when forming a treatment plan? Restorative dentistry may need

Revolutionizing Dentistry: The Impact of AI on Dental Hygienists
Advancements in technology have permeated nearly every industry, and dentistry is no exception. Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration has sparked a transformative wave within the dental

Assisted Hygiene: Enhancing Dental Practices and Patient Care
The field of dentistry has undergone significant transformations over the past century, with a constant endeavor to expand our reach and improve the lives of

Webinar | The Impact of Celiac Disease on Oral Healthtitle
This video captures a Dental Hygiene Webinar by Mary K. Hughes, RDH, presented live on June 21, 2023. The course focuses on Celiac Disease, an

Podcast |Tripling Dental Hygiene Productivity: Strategies and Insights with Krisa Swanson, Presented by Dr. John Gordon
Don’t miss the June 29, 2023, Fearless Dentistry Podcast with Dr. John Gordon featuring Krisa Swanson, RDH

Identifying Risk Factors and Preventing Decay Progression
Summer is a busy time for many of us, especially when it comes to caring for kids and adolescents. This is a great opportunity to

Tips for Explaining the Contrast between a Prophy and Perio Maintenance to Patients
As with any chronic disease diagnosis, the initial action for the clinician is to arrest and reduce the immediate negative impact of the disease. Once

Webinar | Increase Practice Success with ‘YES!’
In this Vyne DentalⓇ-sponsored webinar, Mary Hughes explored strategies for improving and growing practices, focusing on the beneficial impact moving patients into treatment enrollment and

Podcast | Growth in Dentistry, Presented by dental intelligence
Listen to Part 1 at dentalintel.com to hear: …and so much more! Stay tuned for part two of our conversation next week!

Finding The ‘Gap’ In Your Implant Care
First posted by: GROUPDENTISTRYNOW Is Your Hygienist Ready for the Next Implant Patient? Dental implants are on the rise – are your clinicians ready to care

New D0412 Code…What Every Dental Professional Should Know
As we kick off the new year, it’s important to stay abreast of the CDT code updates. Of significance to hygienists is the 2019 addition

The Hygiene Balancing Act…Patient Care vs. Practice Production
It’s not uncommon for us to hear dental hygienists that work in private practice and in DSO’s that “management” focus on production goals is…well, frankly